Inflatable Water Slides Anchoring Procedures
Step 10: Move Slide to The Water & Anchoring
Firstly, before moving the Inflatable water slides, have your anchors prepared and brought to the water’s edge. Have your rope or chains also brought to the water’s edge. You will need the right cutting instruments if using ropes such as scissors or specialized rope cutters or knives. Have sharp blades for cutting ropes; however, be very careful with these instruments around the inflatables.
Use Caution and Wisdom with Knives Near the Inflatable’s:
If using chains, then have that, and your necessary tools also brought to the water’s edge. Once the moving the inflatable slide into position, you need to have one or two anchors dropped immediately to hold the slide in its location.

Anchor Details:
Anchors for the monster inflatable water slides are usually more massive then Aqua Play Park anchors. Therefore, they are challenging to maneuver. If your anchor is approximately 150 to 200 pounds or 70 to 90kg, then it will be wise to move one anchor at a time with a small fishing boat or a raft. The anchors should have a D ring or D ring installed on the top to tie off a rope or link chain.
Moving Heavy Anchors to Position:
Using your small fishing boat or a simple raft, tow it into position and position it is as close to the beach line as possible. Roll or tumble the anchor towards the boat using three or four men. Have a steel pole or a dense bamboo ready so that you can slip it through the D ring. A 4-man can now lift it into the fishing boat or on top of the raft.
Load the boat with sufficient role or chain along with the necessary tools.Towing the raft or driving the fishing boat out to the location, you must estimate the size of the floating water slides and approximately where you wanted to situate it on your waterfront.Imagine the front of the slide or the back of the slide or the side of the slide. It’s up to you. However, use that spot as your first anchored drop. Put the boat in that position and stay steady.
Approximately determine how deep you are in your location choice. For the first anchor drop, take that depth measurement, double it and use that measurement for your first line of rope or chain. Take your newly cut rope or chain and securely tie it to the anchor ring very tightly before dropping it to the bottom. Secure the knot for long term usage.
Have your team on notice that the anchor will drop in the water. Everyone must be clear of the rope as the anchor falls to the bottom. Don’t let anyone’s feet, arm, or body get caught in the line as that anchor will drop fast, down to the bottom of the waters.
Getting the anchor ready to drop, grab the steel bar or the bamboo, slide into the ring to lift. Yell clear to the team and proceed to lift the anchor over the boat side, and as two men let go of their pole, allowing it to slide off the stick or pole held by the other two men. Be careful, use wisdom, and your smarts doing this and be safe.
Moving the Slide into Position:
You have one anchor in the water attached to a rope. Your anchor team is now preparing the second anchor inside the boat. Tying the rope to the D-ring and bringing it into position as described above.
As they are doing that, you will have the bulk of your team six or seven men prepare on the beach to push the slide into the water. The slide, while inflated, maybe sitting partly in the water, and most of the slide is on the sand. From here, it will slide into the water very quickly, your team begins to shoulder “bump it,” or “body check” it into the water.
Once it is floating freely in the water, it is straightforward to maneuver around. It is recommended that you have at least one Jet-Ski or one fishing boat to tow it in to the desired location out from your shoreline.Once the slide is into position, you should have some men prepared to jump in the water around that the first anchor drops.
Figure 3b. Slide attached to the boat. Now ready to tow out into position.
Figure 3a. Slide recently pushed off the shoreline and attaching ropes.
As the boat pulls the slide into position, some of your swimming Men can latch on and help stabilize it while treading water. This step is not too easy for your men; however, maybe they can help a little by securing it while it is pulled-over close to the anchor drop.
Once close to the anchor drop slide, the anchor rope into a D ring on the slide and secure it.
Now go to the other side of the slide, at the same time calling over the year anchor team in the boat. Have your anchor team on the other side of the slide in position.
Have your team or the Jet-Ski try to position the slides squarely to your desired spot. Give your anchor team the okay to drop an anchor with an extended double rope into that spot. Again, taking great care and caution around that massive anchor drop. Take the line from the anchor and securely fasten it to the slide. Now you’re slight has to anchors and should be holding its position reasonably well.
Continue to do this step with your anchor drop team with your boys in the water around the slide. Follow our anchor diagram and position all your anchors around the slide and secure it well.
Figure 4. Notice the anchor straps. Survey all anchor points to ensure equal rope pressure or looseness if depending on tides.
Once you have all the anchors in the water, look at how the slide is reacting. Move around the perimeter of the slide and check each anchor point. Tighten and loosen as you see fit.
If in the ocean allow for tides, and even in the lakes, I just for high waves, therefore, it is not needed or necessary to have each anchor like a tight rope. Allow for some slack and play. If you’re in the ocean with high tide and low tide, then accommodate extra slack according to the difference in water height. It’s okay if your slide floats a little to the left and a little to the right. At high tide, it will tighten up. At low tide, it will carry slack in your lines allowing the slide to move a little left and right.
Keep connected to Inflatable Aqua Park; the same rules apply as the aqua park is most likely under the same conditions. This beachfront is your water area. I am sure you know your water conditions better than us. Adjust your anchor lines accordingly to your knowledge and wisdom of your water Area.

Installing A Water Feed to The Top of the Slide:
The sliding surface will work more efficiently with a small amount of water trickling down it. You can take a small sump pump and install it out into the water one meter deep. Let it dangle underneath the surface on the float.
Figure 1. Top view of ladder hose. To join to plastic pipe assembly.
You would need to run a waterproof extension cord to the pump and from the pump, run a standard garden hose or plastic utility hose to the slide, under the water coming up at the lower end of the stairway.
You will see a connection point to attach your hose. This built-in hose, placed under the stairs or up the backside of the climbing wall, will feed the plastic pipes, (supplied) up the slide, along the top platform floor, into a small plastic pipe with some drilled holes in it that overhangs the slide launching platform. There are fasteners to hold this plastic pipe in place. This setup allows for a small trickling of water falling down the slide to keep the inflatable slide surface wet and slippery.
Figure 4. Plastic hose assembly to sit on upper slide deck and position under the crossbar overhead.
Another option, use a sump pump to run a water feedline directly from your resort. Bury it in the sand and underwater. Run it out to the slide and follow the same procedure noted above. There is an inflatable crossbar directly over top of the slide. The water hose runs up the stairway under the stair cover directly to the point of the wall at the side of the slide. Joining this flexible hose to the plastic pipe assembly (some assembly with glue required), then you position it up towards that crossbar overhead.
Then using the flaps on the crossbar, you can secure the plastic pipe assembly to the bottom of that inflatable crossbar to hold it in place so as when you turn on your water, it will trickle out of the holes spraying down over the slight surface. Remember, you don’t need a lot of pressure.
Think of a garden hose, and you just turn on the water a quarter of a return to sprinkle out. You don’t need your hose running at full pressure. And when you’re closed, just turn off your water source. In the morning, you can turn it back on when you open.
Operating Instructions
Step 11: Opening Inspection
This slide does not have a constant blower inflating the slide full-time. Therefore, when the inflatable water slide is in the water, you will notice in the hot and cold temperatures it will contract and expand—approximately 10%.
During your morning opening, your men will go out and inspect the slide. Using their hands, they will pack the slide like a drum and become accustomed to low-pressure inflation versus high-pressure inflation. You also look for crinkles or wrinkles in the support tubes of the base. That will tell you it is under pressurized and requires added air. This slide track will show the same characteristics.
Your men will then arrange to bring it out a waterproof extension cord or put a generator into a small boat. Attach one or two blowers to the base and tighten up the air pressure so that the slide again is firm. Do this also to the slight track.
Caution: do not over inflate! Remember, the sunshine hi and bright in the afternoon, therefore causing the inflatable to expand in the air pressure. The pressure issues are something that your team must learn to gauge in the first week or so of operation due to chilly mornings versus hot afternoons. Be ready to inspect the slide again around 4 p.m. in the daytime.
If the sun was hot in the afternoon, causing the inflatable to increase air pressure, send most likely the safety valves allowed to air to escape under the extremely high pressure. Therefore at around 4 p.m., late afternoon, the air cools down to average or below normal, especially if the clouds are present in the sky, and a cold front comes in. Your inflatable will begin to Limp, showing wrinkles and crinkles. When like this, it is essential to send a man out. Inflate the units again, up to a solid-state for safety.
Getting back to the morning opening, after inflating the unit top up, do a walk around the base, or swim around the base or drive the boat around the base. You are to inspect each anchor point. Is there more slack in the rope or chains due to a low time? Has the slide shifted to the left or right of the anchor point due to heavy overnight winds? Are there any detached anchor points? If any of these are visible, call out more man and adjust anchors accordingly or tighten up anchors on one side, pulling the slide more center amongst all your anchor points.
Now inspect all the tying points of the slide track to the base D rings. Make sure they are all tied securely. Did any coming loose overnight shift in high winds? If so, re-tie and tighten. Now inspect the stairway going up the slide.
Check all handles and each step as you climb to the top, making sure there are no damages or loose grips. Proceed to the top deck and inspect handles, walls, and rock climbing doorway making sure nothing out of the ordinary is outstanding. While up on the upper deck of the inflatable water slides, check the water feed, and make sure that everything is in place.
If the water flow is not right, call down to the man on the ground. Turn on the water and inspect the water flow over the slide. Do a visual check down the slide, making sure all looks good, and you can now slide down the slide to inspect and feel the slide surface, making sure all is smooth and slick.
The slide is now ready to open.

Step 12: Operating the Slide
This Inflatable water slide is in operation. All sections of the inflatable are firm with the water running over the slide surface. Place a lifeguard operator at the top deck of the slide. And have another lifeguard operator down at the bottom of the stairway to guide occupants.
Lower lifeguard duties:
He or she shall direct the traffic at the entrance to the stairway. Having a double stair-way, you may allow an occupant to proceed up each stairway.Allow that occupant to climb halfway up the stairs before allowing the next occupant.
It is the lifeguard’s responsibility to evaluate, via a visual check, of that occupants’ ability and strength. If that occupant is struggling, then allow further spacing before allowing the next occupant.
If an occupant is young and vibrant, you are then preceding them to climb up the second stairway allowing the slower occupant to proceed up the first stairway. If one stair lane is moving very slow, then do not put a second reluctant occupant on the second stairway. Use your stairways the same as a freeway for cars, setting rules: one stair lane as a fast lane and another stairway as a slow lane. Use your stairways smartly to move your occupants smoothly up the inflatable slide staircase.
CAUTION: do not send up occupants too fast. You do not want to overload the upper deck with waiting at participants. The lifeguard at the top is regulating the occupants to proceed down the slide. Therefore, it is a balancing situation. The lower lifeguard must be making hand signals or gestures to the higher located lifeguard for a smooth transition of occupants up and down the slide.
Upper Lifeguard duties:
The upper lifeguard will Monitor the occupant as they reach the top-of-the- ladder and mount onto the slide deck. Once the occupant is on the slide deck, the lifeguard is responsible for that occupant. The lifeguard must be in constant communication with the occupant, directing them accordingly and safely to the slide edge. The lifeguard will encourage the occupant to use the handles provided, mounted on the walls.
Encourage the occupant as they will become nervous due to the height. Guide them to move slowly over to the slide edge, sit down, and prepare for a rest.
Take notice that the slide deck will become crowded with occupants when one occupant we’ll delay launching down the slide. At this moment, Signal down to the lower lifeguard to halt sending more occupants up until the deck clears. Don’t panic over this situation; it will happen. Several occupants will freeze on the slide edge and will need any encouragement from you and friends to go for it.
In some cases, that occupant will reject launching and will ask to go down the ladder. Guide that person to the ladder safely and tell them to wait, holding onto a handle. Signal down to the lifeguard at the bottom to keep one stairway clear as an occupant will climb down the stair lane. Help them begin their descent and encourage them to hold onto the handles and moves safely down. During this reverse shifting of an occupant, call out to one of your young and robust occupants, who are waiting, proceeding down the slide.
The upper lifeguard must move people smoothly and safely when on the top slide deck. Don’t overload occupants. Be alert and be in constant contact with your lower lifeguard. Tell him to slow down on the loading of occupants if desired for safety at the top upper deck.
Lower or in-water Life Guard
A lifeguard shall be stationed at the bottom of the slide, in the water, or on a flotation device. This lifeguard is not needed to direct or handle the occupant. The occupant is enjoying the splashing the water and is recovering from the splash. The lifeguard is merely there to ensure that the person does come to the surface and is not exhibiting any injury or pain. It is the upper lifeguards’ responsibility to hold the slider on the deck until the water area below is clear of the previous occupant.
If anything appears that the occupant is gasping for air or choking or still emerged under the surface, the lifeguard must dive then and take charge according to life-saving recommendations. Lifeguard standard rules of engagement apply here.
Rock Climbing Control:
Straight down below the slide deck is the Rock-climbing wall. Occupants are permitted to access the wall freely on their own. Although other lifeguards will be watching and be ready to shout out instructions if somebody is not operating safely.
As the rock-climber approaches the upper slide deck, it is up to the lifeguard on the deck to take notice immediately. Inform the occupants that are waiting to slide. Shift over and make room for the rock-climber to enter into the slide deck, via the doorway in the wall. The rock climber will immediately grab onto some handles and position themselves into the slide deck area and wait in line for a slide slot. Always remind everybody to be careful around the netted doorway for the rock climber.
Always informed the waiting occupants to hold a handle on the slide deck.
When operating at full capacity, a third or fourth person may be needed to assist and to manage the slide. Place them accordingly and forced occupants to line up at the bottom of the slide.
It is the responsibility of all lifeguards to verbally remind occupants of the safety in climbing and writing this slide.
Safety Notes to Call Out for Occupants During Use:
Use the handles when moving on the slide
Watch where you’re placing your feet
Make sure your footing is secure as you climb
Watch people in front of you and give them room
No bumping or shoving others
Owner/Operator Responsibility
Each owner or operator of the water slide jar read and become familiar with the contents in this manual. The owner or operator may deny entry to the rider or any person if entry may cause above-average exposure to the risk of discomfort or injury to persons who desire to enter also, if the rider may jeopardize the safety of other patrons or employees.
The operator or owner shall conduct a daily pre-opening inspection of the slide before carrying occupants and shall record such activity regularly.The lifeguards shall provide a constant visual check during each day for sharp objects, devices, and other items that may not be compatible with riding the slide.
The owner of the slide shall provide training for each person performing the regularly scheduled maintenance on the slide about their assigned duties. This training shall include, but not be limited to, instruction on inspection and preventative maintenance procedures, instruction on the specific responsibilities of the designated position, and administration of the physical performance of the assigned regularly scheduled duties and reviews, as discussed above.
Safety and Operating Rules
· The slide should not be operated if the winds exceed 30 km/h
· All occupants should remove their street shoes
· Water shoes or swimming shoes are permitted and recommended
· If wearing swimming shoes, keep feet up when sliding
· Occupants must remove loose or sharp objects.
· Lifejackets should be buckled or clipped together securely
· Having dual stairways, use one as a fast lane and use the other as a slow lane
· Do not exceed more than two occupants on each stairway at one time
· The lifeguard should assist the occupant when they enter the stairway if necessary.
· The lifeguard will assist the occupant up on the deck of the slide.
· The lifeguard will instruct the occupants on the deck to hold the handle at all times while waiting.
· The lifeguards must remain in control of the slide at all times.
· Do not climb the slide while holding a child. The child must climb beside the parent.
· Lifeguards are always and continuously observing the unit for under pressure or overpressure issues.
· The lifeguards are continually monitoring the anchor attachments and D ring attachments.
· In High winds, lessen the number of people on the slide at one time and monitor the movement of the slide in the winds.
· The lifeguards have complete control at any time to stop the usage of the slide for any reason regarding the safety and operation of the slide.
The lifeguard has complete control not to allow any person deemed intoxicated or appearing under the influence of any type of substance.
Rough play is not allowed.
No flipping or somersaults
No pregnant woman
Persons with pre-existing medical conditions that could interfere with play should not use
Do not operate without an attendant operator or lifeguard.
(8) Eight-person maximum on the slide that one time
36 inches minimum height per rider
The maximum weight on the slide equals 1500 pounds.
Minimum of 3 operators at all time
Emergency Procedures
Emergencies can arise for various reasons. It is essential for operators of the slide, to create an emergency procedure program, should an injury situation arise.
The main things to remember in any emergency situation are;
Remain calm
Stay focused
Move immediately to the situation
When an incident occurs, conduct yourself in a professional manner
Rush to the person involved
Remain calm, whether in water or out of the water, see to it that the injured person can breathe comfortably.
Do not move the injured person immediately.
Gather information from the injured and or people around
If minor injury such as bumps, bruises or cuts, move to the to a suitable resting spot and seek first aid
If a case of serious injury, do not touch the injured individual. Keep them stable and support them in the water or out of the water. Get a lifeguard to call 911 to report the injury. Take note of how many victims are injured and what is their physical and mental state.
Instruct other lifeguards to close the slide temporarily and have everybody removed from the slide until further notice. Instruct your lifeguards that the lifeguards that are least involved should be writing down notes of everything they see and hear. Write down all the details as events are taking place. These details will protect you and your organization later.
Once 911 has is called to the scene, secure the area, and help the victim. Always begin by helping the individual who is in the worst state, for example, a state of unconsciousness, not breathing or severe pain.
You should always receive consent before helping the victim. Ask around if there is a parent, family member or guardian, etc.
If the victim is unconscious, then consent is implied, meaning they would agree to care if they were conscious. If conscious talk to the patient, be kind and ask them where it hurts, etc. Tell them help is on the way and to stay calm and not to worry as they are in good hands.
Assist in crowd control to make way for emergency personnel and vehicles.
Have a surfboard or rescue board handy.
Find or a blanket to lay over top of the injured as they may become cold if wet or if in severe pain.
Do not discuss the incident with anyone except your supervisor or emergency personnel.
Fill out an accident report as soon as possible, gather information from the lifeguard who is taking notes all while the incident is still fresh in your mind.
Take at least three lifeguards who were there and on the scene. Have each lifeguard draw up a note or accident report what they saw. Again, this is to protect you if the injured decided to begin a lawsuit.
Every incident, no matter how small, should be reported to your supervisor. A report should be made on that incident and put it on file with the name of the injured and contact info.
In the event of an injury, call 911 immediately. Do not touch or move the victim unless one or more of the operators are trained as an emergency medical technician. Better to be safe than sorry! If in the water, support their body and allow the head to stay above the surface. Bring them to a float or a point where you can keep them still and calm.
Equipment Failures
The main issue with equipment failure on the slide will be; loss of air pressure due to a cold air front moving in. Or causing a contraction in the inflatable air pressure, or due to a small air leak in one of the valves, or due to a breach in the material seam, allowing air to escape.
Every lifeguard must always be monitoring the slight changes in pressure during operation. It’s a matter of studying and learning about the structure of the slide. The slide must become your friend or become a part have you and your personality during the day of operation. Think of it as a living and breathing entity. The air pressure is its lifeblood. Without air, it will fail. And cause injury to anyone on the inflatable slide during this contraction of air pressure.
situations can arise that are unrelated to your slide our patrons
calm, stay focused and not engage in idle speculation with people around you
first notice of any contraction of air causing the slide to lean or sway I naturally, take action, talk to another lifeguard and have someone move to the and start inspecting valves and anchor points.
Notify other lifeguards immediately, what’s taking place.
You take action immediately, and it may just be a point of topping up the air. If the slide is leaning drastically and swing, remove all patrons from the slide and close it down temporarily, informing the public it’s just a matter of air maintenance, and it will be back up shortly.
Another lifeguard to begin to gather the generator and air pumps. Don’t hesitate on this. You have only a matter of minutes as the slide we’ll soften more and begin to learn more. This slide can resist falling for some time. However, don’t count on it. Take action. Have pumps, Power, and generators ready. Filling the slide with air is the best option as opposed to slicing material with a knife while trying to rescue an occupant. Air pressure is your friend. It allows the slide to stand correctly and contributes to fast rescues.
Nozzles to the valves and begin to inflate until the slide stands tall and firm. It is usually the base of the slide that we’ll need attention immediately since it is the backbone that supports the structure. The slide track has a little more forgiveness if losing air since it will just become soft resting on the frame of the base of the slide.
The slide is losing air drastically and fast, blow whistles informing other lifeguards of the emergency, and the first thing to do is remove all people from the slide. If anyone is on the top deck, it is faster to let them slide down, then try to have everyone go down the stairway, which is slower and more cumbersome. Remember, think of your slide has a fast escape downward even if it is soft and spongy.
Insert nozzles into the frame and inflate. Again, in this emergency, always apply air to the base immediately. The slide track can wait.
The worst situation in this scenario is the top deck of the slide and slowly will be down. To get an idea, think of you bowing to the king. Your head is the slide deck. Therefore, the slide what about in the same manner. Don’t panic. The few people left on the upper deck will roll and tumble inside the roof netting. It will appear scary but take fast action, having a few lifeguards start inflating the inflatable slide, and have two or three lifeguards going to the netted area, with the intent to rescue people Using SUP boards or boats as rescue craft.
If the situation is urgent, use a knife or scissors to cut the net. They can then climb out safely. Don’t cut the inflatable. That will not do any justice in removing the patrons. The roof netting overtop of the deck is your easiest escape hatch. In reading this, don’t feel stressed; we learned this in a testing situation.
Weather and Thunderstorms
When operating the slide in the water, it is crucial to stay in contact with the lifeguard station or with your supervisor for current weather conditions. Aside from being a lifeguard and operator, the weather is the crucial thing you need to familiarize yourself with. Study and learn the clouds, Study, and learn the winds. A beautiful sunny day is ideal to operate the slide.
The Inflatable Water Slides can still operate in small winds and cloudy days. However, you must take caution if lightning and very dark clouds are approaching. Rain is not a bad thing. It’s the lightning and high winds that concern us. If it begins to rain, it makes more enjoyment for the patrons on the water slides. It’s faster, slippery, and more fun.
Lightning is approaching, take caution, and be ready as it draws near. That is when you evacuate the slide. Tell your patrons to take a rest and be patient you may be able to open it again in 30 minutes or so. But don’t operate it in lightning situations.
The Threat of High Winds:
The wind is the same as the lightning, in such that gentle breezes are not a problem. The patrons light it as it is the same as playing on a rocking boat. However, if the winds pick up to the point you can see on the beach, the trees bending over, and the slide leaning downwind, then it is time to close the slide for safety reasons. This slide can withstand some strong winds. It will rock back and forth and sway. But it is not suitable for people to be taking part in recreation with it.
Winds exceed 25-30 km, and then it is time to think about semi-deflation of the slide. By doing this, think of a sailboat where are you bring down the sails. In the slide, if you deflate the track first, you eliminate some drag on the slide. The base is sturdy and allows wind to pass through it. Therefore, leave it inflated.
Typhoons and Hurricanes
As bad weather moves in, your team must stay in touch with local weather reports and maybe try to view a Doppler radar on your local TV.
Typhoons and hurricanes are on their way, and you will have a few days’ notices. Under extreme weather warnings is the time to de-anchor or detach your anchor lines and move the slide to the shore.
Inflated push it up sure or into your property as best as possible. Now begin deflation. Leave everything attached, and do not remove all the clips holding the slide track to the base. Think of it as one big unit and start deflation in all valves.
Deflated, then use some tarps if you have it, to apply overtop, or start applying some weights on top of it to resist the high winds that are coming.
You are out of danger of the wind. You can then begin to blow it up too full capacity and bump it back out, down the beach to the water. Place it in its location and attach all anchor points. When finished, do a full inspection and slide test before opening up to the public.
Tear Down Instructions
Step 1: Preparation
Before starting any teardown or removal of the slide, you will want to pick a beautiful sunny hot day with no rain in the forecast.
Firstly, detach all anchor points in the water. Begin to move the slide towards the beach. Have the lifeguards pull and push the slide on to the sandy area and allow to dry for 30 minutes.
Note; as you detach the anchor points, apply some sort of floats, such as empty soda bottles or any other type of float, to mark your anchor points and hold your chains or ropes at the surface.
Begin to open all valves around the whole base; left section, middle section, and right section.
Open all of them and allow deflation to occur. Leave the sliding tract inflated temporarily. As the slide begins to come down, apply some ropes to the upper slide track and base connection points. Your lifeguards will have to do a little climbing. It will allow you to stabilize the direction of the deflation keeping the slide aligned as best as you can.
Step 2: Dismantle the Track from The Base
As the base unit is deflating down, use the ropes attached to pole the track so that it falls center-like as we did in the setup.
As the track is 50 to 60% deflated, you can now start to inflation on the slide track.
Be patient as this takes a little time approximately 40 minutes.
As the whole slide is now approximately 70 to 80% deflated, you can now use the blower pumps to suck out the air. Change the blower hose from the exhaust port, and attach it to the blower inlet port. Do this for many blowers as you have and connected to all track inflation inlets. Now you are sucking the air out of the track to allow it to deflate 100%.
Note; keep an eye on your deflation. Don’t let the pumps continue sucking when your unit is 100% deflated. They will overheat and burn. Therefore, even though the deflation and inflation are a slow and timely process, always have a man or two watching the blowers and electricity. Do not wholly unattended these steps.
Once the track is 100% deflated, do the same for the base and start the Final deflation of the base.
Step 3: Rolling up the Slide Track
Your slide track is now deflated 100% and lying on top of the base. Walk along the slide track with your lifeguards and fold it in the walls. Try to fold everything in even folds so that you have a straight 2m wide, flat inflatable.
Now go along and detach the clips that hold it to the base. Remove the ropes from the Inflatable water slide track and leave them attached to the base unit. Roll the line and tie it up so that it is neat and tidy on the base D ring. (see Photo)
Have your lifeguards go to the Inflatable water slide end and begin to roll the unit tightly. Have at least three lifeguards start the rolling and have another two or three lifeguards standing on the unit in front of the roll using their weight to flatten the inflatable.
As the role becomes bigger, nudge it accordingly to keep it going in a straight line. You may need to add one or two more lifeguards to the push since it is getting heavier and bulkier. Keep it two or three lifeguards walking on the inflatable as you roll it right to the end.
Once the Inflatable water slide is rolled up to the end, you will see that it’s easy to see the stairway when you open the role again next season. This helps you align it correctly from the right side of the base when looking out into the sea. Remember, it’s all about proper alignment of the doorway to the Rock-wall.
Shovel the roll forward and backward to allow ropes to wrap around the role to keep it from unravelling. Use at least two lines. When moving the unit on the beach, have your lifeguards roll it to your desired location. If using forklifts, don’t scoop it up with the forks. The unit is too heavy and will damage. You must roll the unit onto the forklift at all times unless you have placed it on a skid.
Step 4: Rolling up the Base
The base rollup will follow the same procedure above, except for a few extra steps in the beginning. The base is spread out on the beach into a big square shape. We need to transform it or fold into a 2 m wide Long strip for rolling.
Therefore, take your man and go to the corners of the unit. You need to full one side in words once and then go to the other side and fold it in there once. We now have a more rectangle shape. Therefore we need to do it once again, go to one side, take the folded edge, lifted, and folded inwards again. Do the same on the other side, take the folded edge and fold it inwards.
In most cases, that might be all that is needed. If not, then you were staring at a three or 4 m wide track. Then everybody can grab one edge and fold it over once to create a 2 m wide track.
It may appear bulky, however during each fold, use your lifeguards to stamp it down with their body weight to flatten it. You are now ready to roll it. Do the same as above, which was done on the sly track. Tie it up with two ropes and move it into the desired position to be ready for storage. Again, do not use forklifts to scoop it up. Your men must roll it onto the forks.
Note: Never roll it and pack it away wet or damp. It must be completely dry to start the process to prepare for storage, or you will gather mildew and rot.
Train your lifeguards to begin each day with the inspection as described above in the manual.
Train your lifeguards to inspect 4 p.m. This is the time of transition from a hot sunny afternoon to a cooler evening. The pressures on the Inflatable water slides are known to draw around 4 o’clock.
In emergency events, act immediately, communicate with your fellow lifeguards, evaluate the situation, call 911 if needed. Have lifeguards take notes of what they hear and see. Afterward, have all the lifeguards involved. You have a report with details to keep on record.